I had a lovely trailride on snowy forest-tracks today, had company and both horses got nice energy but stayed relaxed. I feel so privileged on days like this, when I was younger I promised myself to never ever be sad again if I ever got my own horse because that would be a dream come true.
Ofc that's very hard to live up to but I always keep in mind that no matter how much I get on the minus-account I've got something that outweighs it a thousand times.
I also have to say that going for a trailride with another PNH-student gives so much more than riding out with a normal rider, you can relax and do your thing and dont have to feel any pressure if you have to stop and wait for abit. When/if I ride with normal riders I always feel like I have to take responsibility for their horse since I know they dont always know how to read or stop their horse, and they dont want to hear that...
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