This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

torsdag 20 januari 2011

My little LBI

The last couple of days I've spent alot of time just being in the loose housing with Nalle and the other horses. There's still thick ice on the road out from the pasture and Nalle is like Bambi stepping on it, he has been falling trying to walk on the ice the last days I've been there and he is tence in his body from trying to keep his balance all the time. I gave him some massage on the hind legs today and he couldnt decide if it was nice or uncomfortable, his ears went back and he looked like he wanted to kick me but then the lower lip went down and his facial expression was like when I scratch his "scratch-spot".
He couldnt decide which feeling to go with, enjoy it or kick me because it was uncomfortable so his ears went back and forth.
The last time he got massage from someone who knows how to give it he was abit cold and tence in the hind legs so when she gave him massage there he kicked at her, 3-4 times... It's not nice always nice to own a LBI ;)

I think Nalle likes all the time I spend there, today he neighed when he saw me. He use to be happy to see me but he's not a man of big emotions, he usually thinks it's enough to come walking with a happy face.
When he had his injury and during his rehabilitation I spent hours and hours with him since he had to stay in the stable all day for the first weeks and then he was allowed to be in s small pasture for another couple of weeks, during that time and some time after when he was allowed back in the loose housing he neighed at me every day. He also liked the training we had during the rehabilitation, short intense sessions at walk online and riding so he could use his brain but not his leg too much, and during that time he neighed as well.
Since I cant do anything with him now we will have to take it abit easy when we can start to do things again, that will give me an opportunity to really test where his limit is.
If he starts to say "oh hi, it's you again" instead of "Oh it's you! I've missed you!" I'll back one step and increase the pace even slower, after all I want my horse to enjoy playing with me as much as I enjoy playing with him. That dont mean that I will stop push him across the borders of his comfort zone, that place have to constantly grow, it just means that I will try and find a different way to plan my goals with my LBI.
I've got high goals and Nalles likes to use his brain to figure out new challanges, but I want our relation to grow during that process instead of paying for the fancy stuff with his trust.

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