This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

söndag 30 januari 2011

Increasing my trust.

We've found a part of the road without any ice so today we went there to play, the road is still pretty hard so it was mainly at walk but also some trot.
Started out with some online to get connected and then I rode some, did some exercises at freestyle to get all parts of the body working (both mine and Nalle's!) and then we played with some contact.
I've seen video-material lately with Pat and Karen and both talked about seat connection, I had to check my seat connection and how much he understands when I only use my seat. We need to work more on that but he understands more than I thought. I also had to check how little I could do, that's something I always should try to do but that tend to slip my mind. He understands direct vs indirect rein very well, back up also works well but sideways still need bigger aids.
I rode him bareback today, last year I would never had done that. I still cant push that thought about him going bananas out of my mind, which is bad since he havent gone bananas one second this winter.
"Watch your thoughts because they became actions".
But Im trying to trust him more and more, every time I trust him a little more he proves to me that I did the right thing. Today I had him loose most of the way down to the stable and when we were on our way back to the pasture he was loose the whole way. On the way back he deciced to take another way than the road since the road still got some ice on it, on the way he took there's a small hill and I sent him up there. When I did that he cantered up and I thought "oh-oh, he's running back to the herd".
But when he got up there he stoped turned and waited for me, "are you coming or what?".
Ofc he got a treat when I got up and then he waited for me to show the way again, oh I love that little horse!

I know Ive got trust-issues with other people but I have to learn to trust my horse much more,
after all he trusts me with his life.

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