This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

söndag 23 januari 2011


The farrier came some days ago to take a look at Nalle's hoofs and make them pretty again, I use to take some on them myself to get him more comfortable with that but since I haven't been abled to take him down to the stable for a while I havent done anything with them and they needed some fixing.
Lifting the hoofs has always been a tricky thing for us, at first it was hard because he had to lift his hoof and loose control of his escapeway, then it was hard to for him to find his balance on 3 legs.
It wasnt until he was around 4 he could shift his weight to the other legs and relax with me holding his leg. But ofc he had to see the farrier during this time and ofc he had the same problems with them plus the fact that he didnt trust them.
I've accepted so many things done to my horse that I regred knowing what I know now, but you cant do wrong if you handle out of lack of knowledge.
They have tried to tie his hindlegs up, they have hit him, they have tried to "raise" him, they have drugged and other ugly things people do when they get frustrated and scared.

When he was around 4 and got started he had to get shoes on his forelegs, "oh no" was my first thought.
But when he was about to get started I realised I couldnt do that myself because I couldnt communicate with him, that's how I found PNH and my trainer. So it was his farrier who was going to take care of that and he did it fast with no problems. That made me realise that it wasnt about the hoofs...
When we got back home I at last found a farrier who was good with horses, he wasnt the best farrier but he always stayed calm and friendly.
So when I moved back to my hometown I didnt know what to do, I didnt want to go back to my old farrier, no way!  Lucky for me one of the girls in my stable who practise NH got a trainer married to a farrier, so with me fixing his hoofs around once a week and that farrier with his knowledge we are doing pretty ok.
Last time he was there he was abit out of balance, nothing big but Nalle noticed that and tried to make him more emotional. But he didnt fall for that and all went well.

This time Nalle started to juggle with one of his hindlegs but as soon as he did that he got really scared, "I know what's going to happen now!". My farrier could see that Nalle got seriously scared and proved to him that he wasnt going to hit him, nothing bad was going to happen.
After a while Nalle could relax again and I hope that was a small step for him to gain trust for farriers.
Im doing what I can to prepare him and I've got other people to lift his hoofs every now and then.

Another funny little thing is that some days ago I slip and fell on the ice in their pasture. Nalle was eating and when he saw me flap my arms he got abit scared, but the moment I hit the ground he came walking towards me and put his muzzle on my shoulder, "are you okey little human?".
I had to gave him a treat for that and a big hug when I got up :)

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