This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

söndag 27 februari 2011

First lesson of the year

Had this year's first lesson with my trainer and now Im really tired but happy. We did some online, liberty, freestyle and "stick-riding". The stick-riding really took me outside my comfort zone today, we havent done that since the snow came and the trust I gain for Nalle cantering wasnt really there at start. After a little while and some transitions it felt alot better and I could relax cantering with the stick but I still cant get over my mental scar I got from Nalle bucking, at least not a 100 percent. My personal goal for this year will be to trust him as much as he deserves, or as my trainer said "drop the reins, you dont trust Nalle but I do".
He was a real star today, did things really nice willingly and with energy. Im so glad I started with Parelli and Im so glad I bought that little filly I fell in love with by just looking at the photo in the ad. Some things are just ment to be, I've got the best teacher and partner I could ever ask for.

We also worked with the little 3-year old mare that I've been playing with a bit. She started the session with rearing and ended it with having a rider (me) on the back for the first time. That's what I call progress!

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