This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

måndag 4 april 2011

More bareback cantering!

Woho! Im really starting to get over my mental scar of cantering. I've started to challenge myself by cantering bareback longer and longer for every day to make my comfort zone bigger, and today it felt really really nice! Rode abit bareback with the stick at trot first to get my seat and balance in order and when that felt good I started to canter, that worked so well today that we even could do a simple lead change. Perhaps getting a flying lead change bareback isnt a too big goal for this year... he's getting good at them online (as long as I can sort out the rope, stick and string...) but we havent done them from the saddle yet.

Oh Im so happy! Abit funny thou that I can get so happy from being able to canter my horse bareback, something I did without thinking about it when I was 12... Mental scars are a powerful thing, both on humans and horses. The good thing about having to deal with one yourself is that it gets easier to understand others who got them, humans and horses.

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