This is a blog about me and my horse Nalle's travel together as horse and human, as companions we've got: love, language, leadership and lightness. Our destination is all about the road we travel and my guide is my furry "drinker of the wind".

fredag 8 juli 2011

Making friends again

I just love my horse, he's the best.
Since I work 50 min drive from where I have my horse I dont see him every day of the week anymore, so when I finally get to play with him after working mon-thurs I often got tons of things I want to do.
We were at our trainer last weekend and got a task to do at canter: 3 simple lead changes then up to galopp, down to a canter a few laps to show that he's calm again then 3 flying lead changes with the reins resting on my wrists and then melt down to a back-up from that. We start by separating and isolating, yesterday we did the melt down to a back-up from canter and some simple lead changes. Since it was warm Nalle got very sweaty so I washed him after that and then trimmed his hoofs. When I got out later in the evening to say good night he wasnt too glad to see me, "if you want to hang with me you have to come to me, Im busy".

I thought he would still be in that emotion today when I came to the pasture but he came trotting :) The plan was to do funny things today since we're attending a clinic this weekend. We started out by playing online on a field with some logs, he's not to fond of jumping unlease it makes sense and apparently jumping those logs made sense because he jumped them very nice with a flow even at trot. He usually stop before the jump, looks at it for a while, turns to me and asks if he really should jump that, "it's much better to walk around it, dont you understand that? ok I jump if jumping gives me treats, sigh".

After that we walked by the trailer on our way to the paddock, I sent him over the ramp a few times and then in. He did that very good so I gave him a rest from that by riding in the paddock for about 15 min. I didnt want to do much just check if he could move his forequarters and hindquarters easily, I also checked how little I had to do when asking him to go sideways and how fast he would backup when I asked him at a low phase. He did everything very easy, warm up hard to ride easy is soo true! We got back to the trailer so that he could eat his "after-work-food", during the ride the rain had start to fall so I stood inside the trailer to not get wet and when he started to move backwards I send him away and asked him to get back to me as in the yoyo-game. After doing that for a little bit he came back to me and rested while I scratched his ears, we stood like that for a long time so I rewarded that feeling by sending him out and let him back into the pasture with his friends again.

It feels like we're prepared for the "dressage naturally"-clinic, I hope we will learn alot but most of all I hope we will have fun!

torsdag 7 juli 2011

Jörgen Schwartz: Lastning

Jörgen Schwartz: Lastning: "Lastning är ett av de vanligaste problemen som uppstår i hanteringen av våra Hästar. Momentet kan skapar frustation både hos Hästen och männ..."